Week 8 Reading and Writing

Overall, I like the look of my blog and my website. I was just looking over my blog posts and noticed that some of them have different font colors, midway through the post, that makes it really difficult to read it. I changed some of them, but I noticed that the formatting was hard to change. I would try changing the font in Blogger, I would then press "update," and then look at my site, and the original font was still there. I tried this several times, so I'm not sure what the issue was.

I have really enjoyed the writing assignments this semester, which surprises me greatly, because I'm not a huge fan of writing in general. I haven't ever tried writing stories though, and I've found that I really enjoy it. I do also enjoy the stories, but they are sometimes pretty convoluted and have a bunch of plot twists, and that makes it pretty hard for me to follow along. I've always wanted to read these stories, but now that I've read some of them, I'm not sure if I would read the Mahabharata or the Ramayana ever without having to do so for a class.

I have enjoyed reading the Nine Ideal Woman. Those stories focus on one story at a time, and that does make me follow along easier. 

Motivation [source]

I really like this picture from my post about feedback strategies earlier this semester. It's kind of what I'm telling myself right now, in the middle of the semester when my motivation is waning. 


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