Week 8 Comments and Feedback

I think all the comments I've gotten have done a great job at telling me what readers have liked when reading my writing and also what they think I could improve on constructively. I do like the comments that are all positive and focus more on the parts that they've liked about the story, but the comments that provide suggestions on what I can improve on as well have been what I appreciate most. One of the comments on one of my earlier stories actually inspired me to write a story later on. 

It's been kind of hard for me to write feedback on other people. In general, I'm a negative person, and I focus on the bad stuff. I have to actively make myself think about the good stuff first so that I'm not just criticizing stories. This is not even necessarily when I don't like a story - it's every story I read, I first think about what can be improved instead of appreciating what was written properly.

I actually took a second glance at my introduction a couple weeks back and realized how jumbled it was. I took the time to separate out different parts and grouped my introduction based on what was written, and I feel like it's a lot easier to read now. 

Feedback Catz. [source]

I chose this image, because I resonate with the quote. Feedback really can cause discomfort, and I'm trying to get over that and continue to actively give and take feedback.


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