Thoughts about Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset [source]
I had never heard of the concept of growth mindset before reading this article. As I was reading through the transcripts, I was trying to classify myself, to see if I have a growth mindset. In regards to school, I do think I have a growth mindset. I will get bored in certain classes if they aren't challenging or interesting enough, and will then have a hard time motivating myself to study or do work for that class. I also do think when I run into failure [as in, I don't make as high of a grade or do as well on a test or a paper as I'd like], I do try harder instead of giving up. I do get really anxious when I run into failure, but I think that has a lot to do with my type A personality traits. Ultimately, I think I have a growth mindset for schoolwork because I do care about how I do in school since I look to it as a necessary stepping stone for whatever my future career will be. However, with other activities such as cooking or more frustrating activities, I don't have much patience, and I don't have the will to keep going if I face a challenge because it's just not as important to me.
Overall, I think the idea of a growth mindset is good, something that should be implemented. I feel as though a lot of my peers do not have a growth mindset, and at this stage, classes are harder, and just life in general is harder. Having a growth mindset would help one facilitate and adjust better to changes in general because having that outlook would make one more adaptable, generally, which is an important trait.
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