My Favorite Place

My favorite place is undoubtedly my bed in my room at my parents' house in OKC. I was tempted to lie and say a more exciting place like India, Canada, etc. so that I would maybe appear more exciting, but I'm just not that exciting.

Currently, I also have a bed at my apartment in Norman, but it's a twin sized bed. I do love it, but my queen sized bed holds more appeal for me. I am pretty close with my family, and I do miss them when I'm away in Norman; however, if I'm being honest, I probably miss my bed the most.

My bed has been my favorite place for quite some time. I do most of my daily activities on my bed - eating, reading, surfing the Internet on my phone, studying, doing my homework, and, of course, sleeping. My bed has also always been the place I retreat to when I need to relax and decompress and block out the world. As a result, my bed is usually unmade, since I believe there is no point in making my bed when I will undoubtedly be back in it soon, messing it up again.

A picture of an unmade bed - not my own, however [Source]

My bed also plays a prominent role in my summers - I don't truly feel I've enjoyed a summer if I have not spent many days just laying in bed for whole days. This summer, I worked a lot, I traveled to Canada, and I had many enjoyable moments with my friends and family. I just don't think I spent near enough time lazing about on my bed. Now, my summer has officially ended, and I do not feel ready to be back in class, having not spent enough time with my bed. Alas, I will probably survive. 


  1. I am also a fan of beds, Deborah! You will see that there are these H.E.A.R.T. options in class, where the H stands for health/happiness... and the health theme I emphasize the most is sleep. We all need more sleep! And a good bed in which to do that!
    There are even some sleep stories in the Ramayana epic that we will be reading: the brother of Ravana, Kumbhakarna, ends up being cursed to supernaturally long periods of sleep, all because of a mishap when he was making a prayer to the gods! Here's his story: Kumbhakarna ... and there's also a sleep legend about Urmila, the wife of Lakshmana, one of the heroes of the Ramayana: Urmila Nidra :-)


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