Introduction to Just Another Pre-Med Student

Hello, my name is Deborah, and I'm a senior at the University of Oklahoma (which I can't believe). My major is Chemical Biosciences/Pre-Med and I'm minoring in Spanish and Psychology. The hardest class in my major, undoubtedly, was Physical Chemistry, and I took that last semester and am so happy that I'm done with it! Overall, this semester looks much more promising - all my classes are interesting and I also don't have class 2 days a week!

I work as a medical scribe, and I love it and could not recommend it more to anyone interested in the health field.

I have two older brothers and an older sister, as well as a baby nephew - who is definitely my favorite person in the world. He's very cute and chubby (in the 99th percentile for his weight, in fact). He also likes my older brother [his uncle] more than me, a fact that makes me quite sad and am hoping to change. I am originally from OKC and am pretty close with my family, so I do see them quite often still even though I live away.

I'm pretty involved in my church and a campus ministry at OU. In my spare time, I like to re-watch episodes of The Office, Friends, and Gilmore Girls, read, surf the Internet, sing, eat, hang out, and sleep.

My goals include going to medical school, becoming a doctor, and enjoying my life.

My favorite food is most likely burgers, although I'm a big fan of food in general. I don't cook that much, but that is something I'm trying to change. Every semester, I tell myself that I'm going to cook more and hopefully, this semester, that happens. I do bake more, but usually only if I'm craving a specific baked good. I do want to bake homemade bread next.

Overall, I can't believe I'm graduating this year and that I've gone through three years of undergrad already, but I'm really excited to see what these next several years will bring since I feel like they'll bring about a lot of new, major changes in my life!
Boomer! [source]


  1. Working as a medical scribe sounds like a fabulous way to learn all kinds of things about the world of medicine, Deborah: how cool! Maybe you can use this class to explore some of the medical traditions of India, like Ayurveda, which is associated with the god Dhanvantari... the twin gods known as the Ashwins are also connected with myths and stories about legends, and you will meet up with the Ashwins in the Mahabharata because they are the fathers of two of the epic heroes, Nakula and Sahadeva. If you are interested in any of that, you can use the Week 2 project brainstorming to explore and see what you find! :-)

  2. Hi Deborah, I'm a senior as well and can mirror your sentiment... Undergrad went so fast!! It's awesome that you've managed to stay so involved in your church despite having such a busy schedule with your major and minor combos and job as a medical scribe. Best of luck getting into medical school, it sounds like you deserve it!

  3. Hey Deborah! I hope you had an awesome time at OU as your undergrad. It's crazy that we will all be graduating and leaving on our separate ways again. I love to cook and bake too, but I think I'm a better baker than you; but who knows. Are you applying this cycle for medical school too or are you taking a gap year after you graduate for now? I'm actually applying for this cycle and it is so tiring and stressful.

    1. What do you like to bake? I am applying this cycle as well - it is very stressful!

  4. Hi Deborah! Just like your nephew I was a chubby baby and was in the 99th percentile haha. But we enjoy many of the same hobbies such as re-watching the office, eating, hanging out and definitely the best sleeping. I to have two brothers, and wish I cooked more, but I am getting better! Good luck on you next cooking endeavor with the homemade bread! As well Goodluck with this semester!

  5. Hi Deborah!
    I loved reading your introduction. It's cool that you're a medical scribe. That's a good way to get some experience in the health field, especially since you want to become a doctor. I hope that you get into med school! Also, I love watching Friends too! I'm pretty sure I've watched it way too many times. I hope your senior year goes well! Best of luck!

  6. Hi Deborah! Congrats on being a pre-med student, I cannot imagine how hard your school years have already been but that is awesome that you have pursued such an amazing career. I am a huge Gilmore Girls fan and also love to rewatch episodes every time I am bored or just need a little laugh. I loved reading your intro and getting to know you, hope you have a great semester!

  7. HI, Deborah! You're an inspiration. I'm glad Physical Chemistry is over! (You probably killed it!) I can't wait until you're a successful doctor and you're living your best life! Once you learn how to make bread, lets break some! Also, what's your favorite burger place? Just by reading your intro, I know your blog will be one of my favorite to read. You're such a good writer! I can't wait to see all the great things you write/great things you do in life.

    1. Sometimes, you are just too nice. And maybe believe in me more than I do. My intro's all jumbled and a mess [like myself]. Except for wanting to break my bread - why would you want to break my bread?
      I have no real favorite burger place, I just want to try them all. But I think go to McNellie's most often because they have a $5 burger + fries deal on Wednesdays, and we go a lot after small groups.

  8. Hi Deborah!

    As a chemical engineering student, we have a lot of overlap in the chemistry side of our studies. I haven't taken P Chem yet, but everyone tells me that P Chem lab is the worst. Fingers crossed it goes well! I hope you get into the Med School of your dreams, and I hope that you have a great senior year at OU as well!

  9. Hey Deborah! I'm also a senior and I'm so excited to be graduating! Because I'm a first-generation college student, I'm very big on mentorship so I hope that you can let more pre-med freshmen know about what it means to be a scribe and what experience you can gain from being a scribe vs. shadowing a doctor or volunteering somewhere else. I wish you the best in med school. It'll be stressful, but nothing will beat the feeling of having an MD after your name. Have a great semester! :)

  10. Hi Deborah,

    College flies by, I can’t believe I am already a senior either. College was a great time of life that we get to try new things. Chemical Biosciences sounds so interesting and something that I don’t hear often. Spanish and psychology were my favorite classes just because they are so much more interesting. Rematching shows are so fun, even though we already know whats happening these shows are the best.

  11. Hey Deborah! I also in a similar boat. I am a senior and time has just flown by. When I was graduating high school I thought that was me being a "grown up" but now is the time where I actually am about to be that grown up, which is scary! Your major is pretty cool. I honestly was not too fond of chemistry but it is definitely promising to hear others enjoy it so much!

  12. Hi Deborah! I will be a senior in the spring. It seems so impossible to think that just a few years ago I was still in high school moaning about Hamlet and now I am moaning about Hamlet in college! It's awesome that you will have some experience in your chosen field and it seems to be something you are very passionate about. Did you grow up knowing you wanted to be in the medical profession or was it something that you discovered later on? I know that I have always been interested in writing, which is why I am a creative writing major!

    P.S.>> The best way to be a baby's favorite is FOOD. All my cousins flock to me when they see I have a plate because they know I have no problem sharing! It's how I have maintained my status as favorite cousin!

  13. Hey there Deborah! Thank you for sharing a little bit of who you are with the class. I am also a pre-med student and so I understand the pain of having to get through the awful classes that we have to bear. I hated general chemistry the most for some reason, but I love organic chemistry so far this semester. I do have to admit that I am absolutely terrified to take the MCAT and apply for medical school, but we are getting closer and closer aren't we? Well, I'm sure you are going to do great things in the future so good luck!

  14. Hi Deborah! Nice to meet you. Life seems to be going great for you! A medical scribe sounds like a very interesting job, and I am glad you are enjoying it. Physical chemistry sounds like a struggle so bravo!! for surviving. It is nice that you visit your family! My family also lives rather close, and I should visit them more. Singing is really fun; sometimes you just need to walk around your apartment in some pjs and belt ya know? Hope your semester is going well!

  15. Hi Deborah! I kid you not, I think we have been introduced before by a mutual friend. But either way, it's so nice to meet you! I loved reading your introduction. Girl, I honestly can't believe I'm graduating this year too. These last three years have gone by so quickly, don't you think? I commend you for your major. I thought being a biology major was hard, but you're out here doing Chemical Biosciences. And you took P-chem! I'm glad you're done with that. I've heard that class was so hard from multiple people. Hope you have a great rest of the semester!

  16. Hey Deborah!
    I have heard that when babies grow older the way to win them over is give them puppies, kittens, lots of candy, and loud toys. Your siblings may not like that but I know the kid will and you'll be the most awesomest aunt around!
    As far as cooking goes, I feel you on that. I've tried to get into cooking but it's really difficult when you have a hectic life, between guard duty, work, and school.. and who really has time cook?

  17. Hey Deborah!
    That's awesome that you are so close to your goal! The finish line is in sight! Good job getting this far and I'll be praying for strength as you go on! I have eight nephews and four nieces! It's definitely great to see them grow up! I understand how you feel, because my wife is always their favorite... I'll change that soon! Good luck with your semester!

  18. Hey Deborah,
    It is so good to hear that you are so close to completing your goal. I loved reading your introduction and it is very nice to meet you. It is great that you already have some experience in the field you want to go in and that you seem to really love it. I wish you the best of luck moving forward.


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