"Reading" Notes: Epified: Karmic Revolution

Overall, it's pretty cool to see how all of the characters and their twists and their back stories work together to make this story work. You can really saw the story coming along.

Story ideas -

I am really quite interested about the rivalry between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. I would like to learn more and possibly create a story about light hearted pranks they do to each other, Dwight-and-Jim-from-the-Office-style.

I was also reminded that Draupadi was prophesied to bring about the death of many kshatriyas. She's an interesting character in general, and I would like to create a story about her life.

Kunti is also another interesting one. I wonder how she feels about having to give her son, Karna, and then reacting to the piece of news that he's the one she gave up at the archery tournament. Or even, making up a reaction story of Karna finding out that Kunti is his mother.

Bhima killing Bakaasura [screenshot of the video, link below]

Bibliography. Epified. Karmic Revolution. Link.


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